- put sb.'s pipe out v. 使某人失败
- put someone's pipe out 妨碍某人成功,使某人无法获得成功
- He knocked his pipe out before refilling it. 在再装烟丝之前,他磕出了烟斗里的烟灰。
- I heard him knock his pipe out on the mantelpiece. 我听见他在壁炉架上磕打烟斗。
- He tapped his pipe out into the fireplace. 他把烟斗的烟灰敲到壁炉里。
- Flush the pipe out with clean water. 用净水冲洗管子。
- Whenever the government bails someone out of trouble, they always put someone into trouble, plus of course a toll for the troll. 每当政府把什么人从困境中解救出来,他们总是把别的什么人也给拖下水,当然另外还以收费为诱饵。
- The old man took the pipe out of his mouth. 老头儿打嘴里拿出烟斗。
- Instead, this is an incredibly small niche market where a single bootleg can easily dilute sales and put someone out of business. 反之,这是一个只要一款仿冒球就足以影响销售并且让某个人退出市场的小小封闭式市场。
- Please tap your pipe out into the fireplace not onto the floor. 请将烟斗的烟灰敲在壁炉中,不要敲在地板上。
- We shall have to blow the pipe out, it seems to be blocked. 管子好像堵住了, 我们得把里面吹干净。
- To put someone in the picture: Example: Meet me after work and I'll put you in the pictureon the Smith Contract. 例句:我们在下班后碰面,我会把有关史密斯公司合同的实际情况告诉你。
- The old man leaned forward and knocked his pipe out against the grate. 老人俯下身子,在壁炉格栅上敲出烟斗里的烟灰。
- I have learned how to put someone into my heart and go on living,this will not change because of time and place. 我已经学会了怎样把一个人放在心里面而继续生活,这种生活不会随时间和地点的转变而改变。
- Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy' s pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy swirls danced around our heads. 从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。
- That putting someone else down doesn't make you any better. 让别人倒下,并不能让你感觉比以前好。
- He slowly tapped his pipe out, then began to tell us what had happened. 他慢慢地倒空烟斗,然后告诉我们发生的一切。
- Although the timeframes for China and Japan to eventually put someone on the moon are similar, some Chinese officials tried to play down the rivalry. 尽管中日送人上月球的时间表很相近,一些中国官员极力淡化竞争色彩。
- To put someone on hold (used in business telephoning): To ask a phone caller to wait (usually music is played while s/he is waiting). 本单元的语言点是冠词,英语中有三个冠词,下面是关于冠词的用法。
- He slowly tapped his pipe out,then began to tell us what had happened. 他慢慢地倒空烟斗,然后告诉我们发生的一切。